In an ABC Report we have been told there are terrorists in America now.
“Several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees, according to FBI agents investigating the remnants of roadside bombs recovered from Iraq and Afghanistan.” – ABC
The video shows two men in a storage unit moving what appears to be machine guns and an RPG from one box to another. The report goes on to explain that the men they apprehended were bomb makers – not nuclear bomb makers, just the conventional kind.
Take Aways
People will react differently to stories like this.
- Most will ignore it, people don’t like to hear news like this and think there’s not much we can do about it.
- Some will be led by fear to support a tighter police state, demanding better checks at the borders.
- Others will simply accept that this is the net effect of America’s persistent involvement in wars around the world, and that they will eventually fuel more terrorism here at home.
Not surprisingly, I’m in the third camp.
The truth is that one crazy person with a gun can do a lot of psychological damage in a peaceful society. That’s not an argument for more gun control, actually quite the opposite, but I digress. The point is that one crazy person can destabilize America. For example the story of Sandy Hook had an incredible effect on gun sales – they went through the roof.
Imagine what might be possible if 250 Al Qaeda terrorists went active with machine guns, bombs, and RPGs in America. Yes it would be horrible, and the reaction would likely be the activation of our military on American streets and martial law in some areas.
We know this to be true. We saw it after the marathon bombing in Boston. We saw it after Katrina. People would demand it.
How to Prepare?
Instead of living with fear and demanding more police on the streets and at the borders – not to mention the abandonment of our rights – we can proactively prepare for a disruption in the social order, supply chain, and rule of law. If trouble should come to America things may get tough for a period of time. Things don’t need to go nuclear, to go bad. A nuke would just be a worst case scenario, but most of those preparations are the same.
- Improve your home’s passive security. Install better locks, intrusion alarms, longer screws in hinges and locks.
- Make a response plan for a home invasion that doesn’t rely on dialing 911.
- Get some self-defense training.
- Store water and shelf-stable food.
- Prepare a portable 0ff-grid power system for powering the basics, communications and lights.
- Be prepared to evacuate if you’re required to do so.
- Prepare a basic nuclear event survival kit.
- Prepare a safe room or shelter.
So many ignore these little signs & messages. Having a basic plan in place helps you respond to any event from a short blackout to war on American soil. Having nothing in place leaves you vulnerable and reliant on others for help.
Storms of all shapes and sizes happen. Be prepared. Never fear.